Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Clearing CIF

CIF: You should go onto your AKO and print copies of your clothing record. (To do that, sign into your AKO-> Self Service-> My Clothing-> Scroll Down-> Click on 'PRINT UNSIGNED CLOTHING RECORD. OR You can go to your supply room. They should have maintained a copy of your clothing record in your soldier issue file.) Below are  pictures of the CIF items, (as of 5APR2010- REMEMBER THAT NSN'S OFTEN CHANGE, BUT ITEM NOMENCLATURE IS LESS LIKELY TO CHANGE AS OFTEN, EVEN IF THE LAST 4 OF THE NSN IS DIFFERENT, THE NOMENCLATURE AND PICTURE CAN STILL BE HELPFUL) Before going to CIF to turn in your equipment, you should seperate what you PCS with and what you have to turn in. If you look at your clothing record, on the top , far right hand side, there is a column labeled PCS TRANS. As you look down the list of items on your clothing record, you will see either the letter Y or N. Y means that you take it with you to your next duty station. N means that you turn it in to CIF. ( I would suggest going through the list before you pile all of your stuff onto the floor. HiLite the items you are going to take with you, and turn the rest in.)

*** Remember that the different sizes of items results in a different 'partial NSN' the pictures are here to help identify items, based on my personal clothing record. 

******* Basically, what you will turn in for the general PCS is your complete MOLLE II Pack (ruck sack) and your IBA/LBV. You DO keep all the pouches that attach to your IBA and your ACH (Kevlar), and your fleece.


  1. Okay, so when you print your clothing record you should end up with about 19 items that you will have to turn back in. Here is a little help with those items. Frame, Molded Waist Belt, Enhanced Frame Shou-, Rucksack Large Fiel-, Sustainment Pouch, and Load Lifter Attachm- are all part of, or attached to your ruck. Body Armr OTV(7913) is your IBA. Overshoes(3383) are your rubber NBC boots. Carrier Assembly UN-(0504?) are your side plate carriers. DLTD and AXLR UNV CAM-(9163) are 6 items...1 Groin protector(8051),1 Yoke and Collar Outershell(8074), 2 Deltoid Outershells(9657), and 2 Axillary outershells(9643). Next the INSRTSMLL ARMS BLK(7227) are the side plates. INSRTS ENHNCD(7373) are the front and back plates. The last 7 items are all clothing. You will turn in your marshmellow suit along with all your cold weather and wet weather tops and bottoms. Just follow the Partial NSN #'s.

  2. How early can someone clear CIF??

  3. Normally you only clear CIF when you have received your orders to either PCS or ETS. Even then, you can also get a memorandum to clear earlier. That is issued and approved through your commander.

  4. With the new regulations you no longer need a memorandum to clear earlier if you are authorized (60 Days Early Reporting) all you need is a copy of your PCS orders

  5. A i greatly appreciate this. This is by far the most helpful page i found online for clearing post.

  6. According to my turn in worksheet for Ets...how do I determine what I turn in vs what I get to keep?

    1. Follow the same procedure as PCS to print your clothing record(make due you print the unsigned copy) look at the far right columns where it says "PCStrans/ETS Trans" under there applicable Column all of the"N's" need to be turned in.

  7. Awesome blog highspeed!

  8. Thank you so much for your help. You made my PCS move go by so much more smoothly. Appreciate your hard work.

    1. I'm glad. The process in Korea is a bigger pain than I've seen anywhere else. It's all the traveling between posts and all that. If you don't mind my asking, how did you hear about this blog, anyway?

  9. I have Y under PCS Trans and ETS Trans (initial issue 1999) but when I PCS'd into this current unit the CIF office told me the 4 items I have on my account (the Y under PCS/ETS) are items I have to turn in?

  10. I'm confused. Are you saying that CIF is requesting you turn in items that say "Y" under the PCS Trans column? If so, they're wrong and you should contact a competent Supply Sergeant or Soldier to act as a go between in communications between yourself and CIF (Notice I said "competent" not necessarily your unit's supply, but you've got to know someone in supply who actually works.

    Also, I started this blog in April 2010. I am surprised it's still floating around. How did you hear about it? Thanks!

  11. This is awesome. You started it in 2010 and here it is... still helping Soldiers like me more than 4 years later. Man you have to do some more stuff like this.

    1. Yeah it cracks me up every time i get a notification about a new comment. i'm not even in the army anymore. but when i was on suwon, the clearing process was so confusing that i figured it might help somebody along the way. i never expected people would still be using it. is the information still relatively accurate?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Thanks! I Googled "CIF list on AKO" and this was the 2nd result. Another good source is a comprehensive pdf at the following link: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB8QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.drum.army.mil%2FNCOAcademy%2FDocuments%2FOCIE_GUIDE.pdf&ei=JJGYU_KYLYm1yASj0oHgDg&usg=AFQjCNF4uvNcPadu2GxPcEMAUmTIKUuEhA&sig2=5bs0BHfSMxesKCPKXAAWNQ&bvm=bv.68693194,d.aWw

    1. I guess you'll have to copy and paste since it didn't show up as a hyperlink. After that, just Ctrl-F and type in your LIN code to find a picture of the item you owe.

  14. What does it mean if there is a star next to the on hand quantity on your clothing record?

  15. *found on installation item
    ^ changed item

  16. So when I pcs'd from ft bragg I was allowed to take all my cif to my next duty station regardless of whether it had a y or an n in each column. That's still a thing right? Anyone know wher ei can find that in the regulation anywhere?

  17. What does the changed item sign mean? I have a bunch of those next to the numbers in my On Hand QTY row

  18. What if you ets, and somehow skip CIF turn in?

  19. http://community.armystudyguide.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/9651093521/m/262106094

    This site may be more helpful. This blog post was created almost 6 years ago. As the writer, I cannot in good faith say that the information is accurate anymore. I'm sorry, guys!

    With that being said, I believe the changed item sign means that the item is now obsolete. However, IT STILL MUST BE TURNED IN or paid for.

    And to the other commentor -- tell me, please, what magic you worked to clear CIF and ETS without turning anything in. That's some stealth work there.

    1. Find someone who has cleared CIF, buy or recreate the stamp they use and stamp your clearing papers. Turn them in, go home. If theres any papers they give you at cif (a receipt or something) then just copy it, and out your name on it.

  20. What happens if you don't have all your CIF gear?

    1. little late but they will make you pay for it so better off going to a army surplus or see if a friend has an extra to replace it.
