Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Clearing Battalion

This will be interesting for you. First off, everyone knows how much Happy Suwon likes to sham, so I sincerely wish you luck in catching people in their offices.

**Go to your battery/ company and clear:
1. Orderly Room [make sure you get copies of your leave form, and any other important documents. Your leave form should be approved at this point so you don't need to use the working copy anymore. Just like when you received your orders, you should head straight to the copier and make about 10 copies. You'll need them when you get to your gaining unit]
2. Motor pool [The master driver for your unit will give you your license information and remove you from the system. Then you have to have the motor sergeant sign your clearing papers.]
3. Training Room [Again, you'll want to make sure you obtain copies of all your certificates and qualifications. This will make the transition easier for your next unit]
4. NBC [You'll need to turn in your NBC gear. When you do this, watch the soldier in charge and make sure they either give you your hand receipt or have them shred it in front of you.]
5. Supply [You need to, again, be sure to return your PT Belt or PT vest, and shred or receive your hand receipt. Your personnel file should be moved to the 'Inactive' portion of files]

**This all has to be done to make the process go smoother. Afterwards, you can head to battalion and clear the majority of the S-shops.

At Battalion:
 S-1 [This shop is cleared last. After you clear everything in Humphreys, and everything in Suwon (Osan for Charlie and Delta batteries) You will clear S-1]
S-2 [After clearing your unit, your best bet is to clear S-2. They will give you information on your security clearance and you'll sign out. This is probably the easiest S-Shop to clear. Other than Thursday, you can out process after 1300.]
S-4 [In order to clear S-4, your room needs to be clean! Also, CIF should be cleared. They will come look at your room and clear you for S-4 and Housing. If you still maintain a room key, you will turn it in at this time.]    
S-6 [In order to clear S-6, you need to clear Mr. Kim (Kim's Komputer) and the LG Services at the snack bar. (Even if you don't have a phone through LG Services, you need to clear them.)  Then you can go to S-6 and clear this section]

** Also make sure you clear the Shoppette, Post Office, and Library and take care of any outstanding charges, before going to S-1.            

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